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Fourth NiCE Summit
University of Technology Sydney, AUSTRALIA 
October 02 2024

Summit Photos
Session 1, Urine Collection (Chaired by Stefano Freguia)
Downstream effects of urine and its conversion to liquid fertilisers 
by Stefano Freguia, UOM
     Li Gao, South East Water 
Novel Sustainable Ground Stabilisation adopting Calcium Carbonate Precipitation using Urine
by Behzad Fatahi, UTS
     Jeff Hsi, EIC
Project 01' Whole-of-system economics
by Sayed Iftekhar, Griffith Uni 
Session 2, Urine Processing to Liquid Fertiliser (Chaired by Jason Prior)
NiCE Loo
by Ho Kyong Shon, UTS
Li Gao, South East Water
Up-scaling and field demonstration of Ugold technology
by Stefano Freguia, UOM
     Matthew Mullis, Urban Utilities
Adam Blunn, AJJA
Nutrient recovery using membrane technology
by Sherub Phuntsho, UTS
Jing Guan, Origin water International 
Achieving Nitrite Shunt for Mainstream Sewage Treatment Using Human Waste
by Qilin Wang, UTS
Session 3, Fertiliser Optimisation (Chaired by Stefano Freguia)
Loganholme Biosolids Gasification Project
by Bernadette McCabe, Serhiy Marchuk, UniSQ
    Durell Hammond, Pyrocal
Joanne Hulley, Logan City Council
Unique solution-membrane chemistries during membrane distillation of complex industry wastewaters for circular economy applications
by Mikel Duke, VU
    Bahay Ozcakmak, Parkway Limitied
Evaluating the impact of sustainable nitrogen management on carbon footprint
by Liu Ye, UQ
Clare Idriss, Icon water
Peter Wardrop, Melbourne water
What governance model should we adopt for a thriving circular nutrient economy? A review 
by Jordan Roods, UTS
Dana Cordell and Jason Prior, UTS/ISF
Session 4, Fertiliser End-Use (Chaired by Jeff Powell)
Test applications of Urval fertiliser for urban parklands and green walls
by Leonard Tijing, UTS
    Neil Palagedara, City of Sydney
What drives a thriving circular nutrient value chain? A review
by Kerry Tozer , UTS
  Dana Cordell and Jason Prior, UTS/ISF
Gary Leeson, OCP
Effects of Urval dose on growthand survival of two pasture species
by Niraj Yadav, WSU
Jeff  Powell, WSU
Jason Reynolds, WSU
Applying and studying the effect of human urine nutrient solutions on plant growth, Viola x Wittrockiana
by Ibrahim El Saliby, UTS
Juan Lucas, RBG Sydney
Evaluation and demonstration of Ugold and Urval efficacy in field trials
by Bernadette McCabe, Serhiy Marchuk, UniSQ
Third NiCE Summit
University of Technology Sydney, AUSTRALIA 
September 25 2023

Opening speech
Invited speaker: Abraham Noe-Hays, Research Director, Rich Earth Institute
Summit Introduction and NiCE hub updates by Ho Kyong Shon
Session 1, Urine Collection (Chaired by Cara Beal)
Downstream effects of urine and its conversion to liquid fertilisers 
by Stefano Freguia, UOM
     Li Gao, South East Water 
Project 01' Whole-of-system economics
Novel Sustainable Ground Stabilisation adopting Calcium Carbonate Precipitation using Urine
by Behzad Fatahi, UTS
     Jeff Hsi, EIC
Panel discussion on urine collection
by Sayed Iftekhar, Griffith Uni 
Session 2, Urine Processing to Liquid Fertiliser (Chaired by Jason Prior)
NiCE Loo
by Li Gao, South East Water
    Ho Kyong Shon, UTS 
Nutrient recovery using membrane technology
by Jade Jiang, UTS
Jing Guan, Origin water International 
Up-scaling and field demonstration of Ugold technology
by Stefano Freguia, UOM
     Matthew Mullis, Urban Utilities
Adam Blunn, AJJA
Application of membrane capacitive deionisation (mCDI) for wastewater and urine processing
by Sherub Phuntsho, UTS
Kyungsuk Kang, Siontech
Panel discussion on urine processing
Session 3, Fertiliser Optimisation (Chaired by Stefano Freguia)
Loganholme Biosolids Gasification Project
by Bernadette McCabe, UniSQ
    Durell Hammond, Pyrocal
Evaluating the impact of sustainable nitrogen management on carbon footprint
by Liu Ye, UQ
Clare Idriss, Icon water
Peter Wardrop, Melbourne water
An integrated water treatment process for valuable nutrient recovery and purification from industrial waste streams 
by Mikel Duke, VU
    Bahay Ozcakmak, Parkway Limitied
NiCE Governance and Perceptions/IH21.UTS.1
Governance for a thriving circular nutrient value chain: An integration study
by Dana Cordell, UTS
Jason Prior, UTS
Panel discussion on fertiliser optimisation
Session 4, Fertiliser End-Use (Chaired by Jeff Powell)
Test applications of Urval fertiliser for urban parklands and green walls
by Leonard Tijing, UTS
    Neil Palagedara, City of Sydney
Fertiliser end-use - behaviour in soil interactions with plants
by Jeff  Powell, WSU
Jason Reynolds, WSU
Evaluation and demonstration of Ugold and Urval efficacy in field trials
NiCE Markets and Perceptions/IH21.OCP.1
Circular markets for a thriving circular nutrient value chain: A market feasibility and perception study
by Dana Cordell, UTS
   Jason Prior, UTS
Gary Leeson, OCP
Applying and studying the effect of human urine nutrient solutions on plant growth
by Ibrahim El Saliby, UTS
Juan Lucas, RBG Sydney
Panel discussion on fertiliser end-use
by Bernadette McCabe, UniSQ
Second NiCE Summit
University of Technology Sydney, AUSTRALIA 
November 17 2022
First NiCE Summit
University of Technology Sydney, AUSTRALIA 
July 8 2022
Inaugural NiCE Summit
University of Technology Sydney, AUSTRALIA 
February 2022
Pre NiCE Summit 2
University of Technology Sydney, AUSTRALIA 
November 2020
Session 1
Session 2
Pre NiCE Summit 1
University of Technology Sydney, AUSTRALIA 
June 2020

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This ARC-NiCE Hub website was partially supported by the Australian Government through the ARC's Industrial Transformation Research Hubs funding scheme (project IH210100001). The views expressed herein are those of the authors and are not necessarily those of the Australian Government or the ARC

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