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Australian PhD scholarship opportunities

Nutrient recovery from a source separated urine for a circular economy 
Nutrient in a Circular Economy (NiCE): ARC Industry Research Hub

PhD project 
    One of the focus areas of the NiCE Hub at UTS is the recovery of nutrients from human urine. The student will be located at UTS’s Centre for Technology in Water and Wastewater (CTWW) of the School of Civil and Environmental Engineering under the Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology. CTWW has been consistently recognised for the development of world-class research in the water and wastewater field. UTS has been ranked by US News in 2022 as the best #1st university globally for Water Resources and ranked 2nd in the world for SDG 6 Clean Water and Sanitation by 2022 Times Higher Education Impact Ranking. The centre is focused on the development of innovative technologies that deliver abundant supplies of recycled, desalinated, harvested storm water and resource recovery. The PhD project will contribute to this NiCE Hub program by investigating effective nutrients recovery systems that allow improved nutrient recovery and higher end-products.
PhD support:
  The student will be jointly supervised by Associate Prof Sherub Phuntsho and Associate Professor Leonard Tijing at CTWW. The total scholarship stipend is AUD$50,000 (tax-free) per annum for 3.5 years, and additional funding for travel and project work up to $9,500 will also be available. The successful applicant can begin in Aug 2024. 

Who should apply?  The applicant should have a minimum qualification of master’s degree or bachelor’s degree with Honours (Distinction) from the following disciplines:
Civil engineering, environmental engineering, civil & environmental engineering, chemical engineering, mechanical engineering, environmental science, polymer science, organic chemistry and environmental chemistry

How to apply:
  The application process has two stages. 
Stage 1: 
Please send a copy of your CV, including details of educational attainment, employment history, publication activities, and citizenship, together with a cover letter to Associate Prof Sherub Phuntsho (, by 30 July 2024. 
Stage 2: 
Shortlisted applicants will be interviewed, and the preferred candidate will then work with the supervisory panel to prepare a research proposal for submission. 

Initial closing date: 31 July 2024
Open to only: Australian citizens and current Permanent Resident visa holders.

If you require further information on the position, contact Associate Prof Sherub Phuntsho by email at and Associate Prof Leonard Tijing at

For further information including eligibility and how to apply, please click here

A novel ion-selective membrane development for efficient lithium recovery 
Centre for Technology in Water and Wastewater (CTWW)

PhD project objectives includes:
The PhD project is funded by the Australian Research Council Discovery Project, and it aims to develop and fabricate a novel membrane that display selective lithium recovery from brine in a renewable energy driven electrochemical membrane technology. The student will be located at the Centre for Technology in Water and Wastewater (CTWW) of the School of Civil and Environmental Engineering under the UTS’s Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology. The fabrication of lithium selective membranes embedded with nanomaterials and metal organic framework will create new knowledge on the dynamics of ion-size sieving and accelerating lithium transportation bringing significant commercial benefits to Australian mining industry, desalination, and water treatment sectors.
PhD support:
 The student will be jointly supervised by Associate Professor Sherub Phuntsho and Associate Professor Leonard Tijing at CTWW. The total scholarship stipend is AUD$50,000 (tax-free) per annum for 3.5 years, and additional funding for travel and project work up to $9,500 will also be available. The successful applicant can begin in August/Sep 2024.  

Who should apply?  The applicant should have a minimum qualification of master’s degree or bachelor’s degree with Honours (Distinction) from the following disciplines:
Civil engineering, environmental engineering, civil & environmental engineering, chemical engineering, mechanical engineering, environmental science, polymer science, organic chemistry and environmental chemistry.

How to apply:  
The application process has two stages. 
Stage 1: 
Please send a copy of your CV, including details of educational attainment, employment history, publication activities, and citizenship, together with a cover letter to Associate Prof Sherub Phuntsho (, by 30 July 2024. 
Stage 2: 
Shortlisted applicants will be interviewed, and the preferred candidate will then work with the supervisory panel to prepare a research proposal for submission. 

Initial closing date: 31 July 2024
Open to only: Australian citizens and current Permanent Resident visa holders.

If you require further information on the position, contact Associate Prof Sherub Phuntsho by email at and Associate Prof Leonard Tijing at​
For further information including eligibility and how to apply, please click here

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This ARC-NiCE Hub website was partially supported by the Australian Government through the ARC's Industrial Transformation Research Hubs funding scheme (project IH210100001). The views expressed herein are those of the authors and are not necessarily those of the Australian Government or the ARC

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